Scrunchies May Save Birds From Nature's Fiercest Predator - Your Cat!

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Did you know that nature's deadliest predator is probably lurking in your neighborhood? Odds are, you may be even harboring it in your home. Confused? We are talking about your pet cat. Though they may appear cuddly and innocent, they are known to wreak havoc on their local ecology, killing birds, small mammals, and reptiles at an alarming rate.

In addition to being beloved companions, cats have been a preferred method of pest control for humans for thousands of years. However, as the human population has increased, so has the number of these relentless hunters.

In the United States alone, about 80 million homes house at least one cat, while another 80 million wander as strays. Combined, these felines kill about 2.4 billion birds, and 20.7 billion small mammals like mice, moles, and chipmunks, annually! A 2013 study printed in the journal Nature Communications suggests that the domestic cat species is responsible for the extinction of up to 33 species across the globe. It calls cats "likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for U.S birds and mammals!"

While cat owners don't have an issue with the felines taking care of pesky mice and rats, they certainly have no desire to lose the innocent birds that are chirping in their yards. In order to prevent that cats are often collared with tiny bells that signal their presence to the critters they are trying to snare. However, the clever hunters have been known to silence the noisy bells by either pulling them off or getting rid of the collar altogether. Some cats are even smart enough to keep the bells from ringing by taking stealthier steps.

Dr. Michael Calver of Australia's Murdoch University, is so concerned about the plight of the birds that he has published several research papers trying to solve the issue. Hence when he and Ph.D. student Catherine Hall stumbled upon a website that claimed their brightly colored collar scrunchies could reduce the number of bird deaths by 87%, they decided to investigate it.

Hall teamed up with 114 cat owners and asked them to "freeze" everything their pets killed for two years, with and without them wearing the brightly colored scrunchies. Sure enough, the number of birds, reptiles, and amphibians killed when the cats were wearing the bright collars reduced by 54%. Though not as high as the 87% claimed by the website, it is substantial enough to make a difference. Hall, who published her findings in the scientific journal Applied Animal Behavior Science in January 2015, believes that the simple solution works because it enables songbirds to see the cats approaching from a distance. This allows them to make a quick escape.

Interestingly, the number of mice and other small mammals the cats captured was not reduced when the scrunchie was implemented. This is likely because their color vision isn't as developed as that of birds. Hence, the colorful scrunchie is a win-win for both humans and birds! A similar study done in the US around the same time confirmed these findings.

But before you rush to place a normal scrunchie onto your cat's neck, be careful for it may be too tight and result in constricting his/her neck. Instead, seek out ones specially created for this very purpose and save those poor birds!


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  • ethanj2009
    ethanj2009about 4 years
    No scrunchie besides my cat is too big to catch prey we feed him haha
    • ethanj2009
      ethanj2009about 4 years
      my cat is too lazy to go and catch birds
      • shaniahope
        shaniahopeabout 4 years
        • shaniahope
          shaniahopeabout 4 years
          Please DO NOT put scrunchies on your cat, it could choke them and even kill them. It's a Cat's natural instinct to kill and eat birds, and you can't really change that. 🙃
        • ceebee
          ceebeeabout 4 years
          NO SCRUNCHIES😻
          • renegade5
            renegade5over 4 years
            NO SCRUNCIES 😺
            • goodvibesonly09
              goodvibesonly09over 4 years
              I know u guys are saying NO SCRUNCHIES and I agree but the birds are in danger and I don't wanna be rude when I disagree with u guys and my elementary teacher told me how to disagree kindly so I hope I hurt no ones feelings 😩 but I believe scrunchies may be a good thing bad thing situation I hope none of ur feelings were hurt when I said scrunchies may help. But also those cats could be hurt so I think im tied 🤷🏽‍♀️
              • shaniahope
                shaniahopeabout 4 years
                Sorry but I disagree, if you put a scrunchie around your cats NECK it would easily choke them, and KILL them, imagine being FORCED to have an uncomfortable tight thing around your neck! Cats are natural predators and I think it's fine for Cats to hunt birds. You can't change what Cats do. Have a good day :)
              • animereina2021
                animereina2021about 4 years
                I understand. I think the scrunchies can be a good thing for protecting the birds, but not for the cats because that is their natural instinct. No hard feelings here.👍
                • cr4td4l
                  cr4td4lover 4 years
                • animereina2021
                  animereina2021over 4 years
                  It's the circle of life! We don't need to interrupt it with scrunchies! Just let nature take its course.
                  • galaxyninja
                    galaxyninjaover 4 years
                    i feel bad for the birds but i would feel worse for cats ❌scrunchies on🐱
                    • goldenheart123
                      goldenheart123over 4 years
                      My cat, Theo would hate this! I’m against the idea!