After reading this book, I learned a lot about enjoying life and how a break in your head and a break in your life can change a person's life, and also how to get back up again. In the book, after Elizabeth Gilbert got divorced, she tried to live a new life again, and then she met the boy, David, but they didn't work out, and then she found out that all these is actually not the life that she wants. Then she decide to leave behind all the things that she have already, all the modern American success, instead, what she really wanted from life is a discovery of different places with different culture, so she went on a trip to travel three countries. She went to Italy, India, and Bali, to enjoy life in different cultures, she went to Italy to enjoy life, India to devote, and Bali to find Ketut, the meditator who told her to come back when she went for writing. After all the trips and discovering, she found what she truly want from the beginning, what to devote, and the man, it's life, it's the life that she loves to live for. I really really enjoy reading this book, this book actually made me think of what life really matters to me, for now, I'm just a student all I could do is studied, but who says I can't dream about what I want to do for my life afterwards. After reading this book, I actually think a lot about what I want to do with my life, but then, I figure out that the life that I really want to live for is to be happy and enjoy my life in my own way, no matter what that would be. This book is really good, I recommend it to you, I really think that you should read it, it's a great book, and it also help you think what you really want your life to be like, you want your life now? because it makes you happy and you're satisfied with it, or you want a better life that you would enjoy and not regret when you're old? Just read this book, you would really enjoy reading it, there is also a movie of this book too, you'll probably like it too.

Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
By Elizabeth Gilbert
Book Reviews (2)
After reading this book, I learnt a lot. How a break in your heard can change a person's life, how to get back up again, the process, and also, how to enjoy your life. After her divorcing, she tried to live again, she found another boy David. But "In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding that they be what we need of them, and then devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in first place" (P22). It obviously didn't work out. At last she found out that this is not the life she wanted, she hadn't feel really excited for a long time, or that nerve of want to enjoy life. So she decided to go out of the country for a while, she had three different options, Italy to enjoy life, India to devote, Bali to find Ketut, the meditator who told her to come back when she went for writing. She couldn't choose between those three, so she decided to travel those three countries in one year, 4 months for each. After those journeys, she found what she is truly to herself, what to devote, and the man, life she loves to live for. This is a really great book, there's also movie too, you would really enjoy watching it.