This book is about a girl named Zuri and she loves to style her hair and her mom has to shave her head because of cancer.

Hair Love
By Matthew A. Cherry, Vashti Harrison
Zuri's hair has a mind of its own. It kinks, coils, and curls every which way. Zuri knows it's beautiful. When Mommy does Zuri's hair, she feels like a superhero. But when Mommy is away, it's up to Daddy to step in! And even though Daddy has a lot to learn, he LOVES his Zuri. And he'll do anything to make her -- and her hair -- happy.
Tender and empowering, Hair Love is an ode to loving your natural hair -- and a celebration of daddies and daughters everywhere.
Book Reviews (11)
This book about this girl named Zuri her mom always styled her hair. Her mom was sent to the hospital because she had cancer so Zuri mother could'nt help her do hair. Her dad was trying to hair but he never gave up on her and Zuri never gave up on him and they gave up on eachother
This book is about this girl named Zuri her mom always styled her hair. Then her mom had cancer and Zuri's mom was coming back home so she wanted her look good for her mom. So she looked at her mom's website and she wanted the hair she had when she was little before her mom had cancer the first time a fail then her dad helped then they got right and when they picked her mom she was super proud of Zuri and her dad
this book is about a girl named Zuri and her mom like to do hair. And Zuri like alot of hair style so one day she go on Youtube and tryed to do her hair. But she cant so she cry and then her dad do it but she want her owned style. then her dad does her hair style she want a she looks great the her mom come home and they hug.
this book is about a girl named Zuri her mom always styled her hair. her mom was sent to the hospital because she had cancer so zuri mother could'nt help do her hair. The theme of this book is perseverance because her dad was trying to do hair but he never gave up on her and she did'nt give up on him so they did'nt give up on eachother
The book is about a girl named Zuri and her mom always styled her hair. And Zuri always loved her hair to be in any different style. When her mom went to the hospital Zuri could not style her hair because her mom always did it and now she can't. Once she found a hair style that she really liked and she asked her dad to do it but no matter how hard he tried he still could not do it. Then Zuri showed her dad a video how her mom did it for her so he followed the video and BAM! There it was an awesome hair style. Zuri and her dad went to go visit her mom and her mom was super proud. This made me realize to believe in myself and it will all work out. If you like sad story with happy ending than this book it for you.
This book is good and sad at the same time Zuri is a little girl and her mom is in the hosipal and Zuri wonts her hair to be perfrct like her mom she wont to be like her mom
I like this book because it is funny and sweet. The story focuses on Zuri and her dad trying to give her the perfect hair style on a very special day.
I love this book because it is cute and funny. Zuri loves her hair and the story is about her and her dad. The story focuses on her dad trying to do her hair on a special day and is really funny.
i think this is a great book. i love zuri and how much she likes her hair