Summer Reading 2018

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!

How ? Its fun and easy.....
  1. Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
  2. Select books from Reading List
  3. Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
  4. Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
  5. Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 16 books per entry


Sign-up your students & patrons.....
Reading List (50)
Prizes (50)
  • olliebob
    olliebobover 6 years
    Hi! Do you have any idea when my prizes will be getting here? I have already received The Adventurer's Guild, but The Warden's Daughter and The Penderwicks at Last have not come yet. Thank you for all of your hard work! -@olliebob
    • reader_red
      reader_redover 6 years
      I was wondering the same thing. btw I picked out The Warden's Daughter and The Penderwicks at Last, too! :D
      • editor
        editorover 6 years
        The prizes are being mailed out in batches - not as soon as you choose them - so you will receive them.
    • spykitten
      spykittenover 6 years
      Thank you DOGO for all your hard work put into this program!
      • ajg16
        ajg16over 6 years
        Just joined the summer reading!!
      • kruzingwithk9s
        kruzingwithk9sover 6 years
        hey everyone, so i got to ask you guys something, (1 what is your fave pet? (2 do you have a library where you live? my fave pet is a dog and we have a library right near us.
        • olliebob
          olliebobover 6 years
          1. A German Shepherd or a Golden Retriever. 2. Yes, there's one downtown.
          • bookstory14
            bookstory14over 6 years
            1: Eastern Rosella Parakeet, or Holland Lop Rabbit. 2: Yep, about 10 minutes tops away biking.
            • kenziegirl2008
              kenziegirl2008over 6 years
              My fave. pet is a hamster. Yes I do have libraries near me
              • jso6
                jso6over 6 years
                (1, My favorite pet is a dog, and (2, I have a library five minutes away from where I live.
              • spykitten
                spykittenover 6 years
                1. Cat 2. Yes?
                • soyster
                  soysterover 6 years
                  1. hamster 2. yes? (pretty close i guess)
                  • auntieb
                    auntiebover 6 years
                    (1 my favorite pet is a bunny (2 Yes there is a library where I live
                  • lumos
                    lumosover 6 years
                    I changed my username! It used to be iikitty than kittyy then now it’s Sabrinna
                  • kenziegirl2008
                    kenziegirl2008over 6 years
                    I am just starting this summer reading! Wish me luck!!!
                    • spykitten
                      spykittenover 6 years
                      Good luck!
                      • auntieb
                        auntiebover 6 years
                        Good luck
                        • kruzingwithk9s
                          kruzingwithk9sover 6 years
                          hey i like what you did for the 4th of July for your avatar. it looks so cool
                          • lumos
                            lumosover 6 years
                            There are some really cool books!
                            • belle252
                              belle252over 6 years
                              i really love this program i mean i would have never thought to try these new books out, or even read 43 books! It's really amazing to read books and this program makes it even better, good luck to you!
                            • applemango
                              applemangoover 6 years
                              Dear editor, did my books get shipped yet??
                            • applemango
                              applemangoover 6 years
                              Dear editor, I can't send a parent consent for the ultimate book of sharks because I am on a trip could you look back to the consent form I sent for other books????
                              • editor
                                editorover 6 years
                                you only need to send consent form in once not for every book you win
                              • spykitten
                                spykittenover 6 years
                                Is anyone excited for SUMER!??! I am! List a thing that you always do in the summer. My answer is to go to the pool. Have a GREAT summer!!!
                                • bookstory14
                                  bookstory14over 6 years
                                  Swimming, vacationing, seeing cousins, snorkeling, DOGOing :), reading, running, going to the fair, doing singing in talent shows, and getting braces.
                                  • kruzingwithk9s
                                    kruzingwithk9sover 6 years
                                    on the really hot days (90-100) if it is not so hot you can not go out at all i hang out in our pool that we have at our home
                                  • kruzingwithk9s
                                    kruzingwithk9sover 6 years
                                    who here likes sonic the hedgehog? and who is your fave character? mine is the fox, Tails! he is so CUTE! follow me if you agree

                                    Summer Reading 2018 has ended!

                                    April 22 - August 31, 2018
                                    Terms and Conditions

                                    Summer Reading 2018 Stats

                                    Books read:
                                    Books reviewed:
                                    Prizes won:
                                    Schools participating:

                                    Recent Members