One morning, Harry Potter wakes up because his scar is hurting. He's just woken from a vivid dream about Lord Voldemort. In it, Lord Voldemort performs a deadly curse on a Muggle. But the dream can't be true, can it? Also, why is Harry's scar hurting? When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, he learns that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts. In the tournament, the three main European schools, Durmstrang, Beaxbaton, and Hogwarts each choose a champion to complete three challenging tasks. The contest hasn't been held for years due to its high danger level, but this time, Dumbledore assures the students that no one will get badly hurt. Only seventh-year students will be allowed to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, so Harry doesn't put his name into the Goblet of Fire, which will choose the champion from each school. But when the day comes to reveal the champions, the goblet chooses him and Cedric Diggory to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry didn't put his name in, so someone older must have put it for him. But who? Will Harry be able to compete against students who are older than him? Or will he look like a fool in front of the others? I liked this book because it was really funny. I recommend it for people who enjoy reading fantasy novels.

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (Book 4)
By J.K. Rowling
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 4 - 8 | W | 6.8 | 190858 |
It's the pivotal fourth novel in the seven-part saga of a young wizard's coming of age. The thickest. The juiciest yet. Harry Potter turns fourteen. But will all his friends? Rumors have persisted that one of the characters may not see the conclusion of this novel, something the author has refused either to confirm or deny. But we who love Ron, Hermione, Hagrid...even pitiful Neville Longbottom...wait anxiously to see if they will make it through safely. No one's fate is certain when Volde -- excuse me -- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is part of the picture.
What is certain is that a novel of excruciating suspense awaits, leavened by J. K. Rowling's inimitable sense of humor and the burgeoning details of her magical world. Whether it's taking a front-row seat at the International Quidditch World Cup, or meeting the new Defense-Against-the-Dark-Arts teacher, or finding out if Harry really does start a romance with Cho Chang, fans of the history-making boy-wizard will find their thirst for Hogwarts adventure slaked least for a little while!
Book Reviews (459)
This was a very good book! The harry potter books keep getting thicker 😐
I loved this book! Still do, in fact!
I love this book, it's my favourite of the 7!!
Harry's summer has been pretty bad. Of course, they always are, since he lives with the Dursleys, a family that hates him, but other years have been better. It helps that the Dursleys are on a diet which involves eating only a quarter of a grapefruit for breakfast, and of course Harry gets the smallest piece. He is helped by his friends, who send him food by owl, but he can't wait when he gets and invitation from his friend Ron to go see the Quidditch World Cup. And he loves Quidditch, too. But, things go a bit different than planned after the Quidditch cup. And when they get to Hogwarts, things are also a bit different from usual, but this time in a good way. While this isn't my favorite book in the series, it is still good. I read it for the second time recently. Also, please do not read this to your little brothers and sisters (assuming they are under eight). The book is mostly fine for little kids, but the ending is sort of intense. There is blood, it is scary, and did I mention that somebody dies? (I will tell you they aren't Harry's friend, but still....) Oh, and I forgot to mention there are a few curse words scattered throughout the book, but not enough to bother me.
it is amazing and i read the first three so yeah!!!!!
so magical!
Harry Potter has a new challenge. Not staying alive, though he would like to do that too. But his new challenge? The Triwizard Tournament. This hasn't happened in a long time, so it is very important. Three challengers are chosen, but they must be 17 or over. So when Harry is the fourth challenger, it makes the papers and rumors. Not that Harry needs the extra attention. But now...Harry just needs to stay alive- but the end of this may be the worst challenge he's ever face. Happy reading!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling is about Harry who has saved Hogwarts time after time again. Harry Potter is an odd young boy who has a connection with the dark lord. But there is an imposter in Hogwarts and Harry will soon find out who it is. However he hits another bump on the road in his life at Hogwarts. Harry has to go through all sorts of dangerous tasks as a champion at Hogwarts. But Ron gets mad at Harry because Ron thinks Harry did something wrong without telling him. This book is different from other books I have read because you never know what will happen next. To find out what happens to Harry Potter next read the book.
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