I think this book looks very funny. I love seeing criminals being caught! I think I will have a very good time reading it!

Weird but True! Stupid Criminals: 150 Brainless Baddies Busted, Plus Wacky Facts
By National Geographic
Book Reviews (5)
This is a hilarious book! It show some not-so-smart things criminals did, along with some criminals Weird but True facts! I recommend this book for anyone who wants to die laughing.😁
You and I both know they is very stupid criminals out there .here's a fact about one!a Miami woman stole 1.600 and hid the money in her wig. 😂 what!?who would do that !hahaha here's another one! Two burglars in Iowa disguised themselves by drawing on there faces when th black marker.!! SHOUT OUT TO IOWA!AND THE DUMB CRIMINALS THERE!😂😂😂 I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 5 / 5 stars! 😁 😁 - Pizzagirl7 😁 😁
when I saw this book I thought "There must be a lot of stupid criminals out there if there's a whole book about them" and I was right. There are bad guys that have gotten stuck or have gotten locked out of there car and actually called 911 for help! Once a man that broke into a house got hungry and fried up some fish - The owner of the house woke up and called the police! This was a funny read and I kept laughing at how crazy some of these people are/were! Recommended for 11+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews
If you are going to read this book, prepare yourself warned, you will not be able to stop laughing! This book tells many hilarious stories about stupid criminals and on the bottom it tells wacky facts about criminals. I have read this book over and over again but the stories are still funny! I would SO recommend this book!