Looking for a good book to read? Well Saving Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea is an amazing book to read. I give it 5 out of 5 stars. Saving Mr. Terupt is a realistic fiction book that is set in the students current middle school that they are attending and Snow Hill School in Mr. Terupt's classroom.
This book is told from 7 different characters points of view. Saving Mr. Terupt is the 3rd book in the series. In comparison to Mr. Terupt Falls Again, the 2nd book in the series, the stories involve the same characters, Jeffery, Anna, Alexia, Peter, Luke, Jessica, and Danielle. Also, the 2 book's setting and story are different. This book shows an amazing relationship that students can have with a teacher that means a lot to them. For example in the text it says, " It was time for more drastic measures. There was no way I was allowing this to happen. These people had made a mistake." This shows that they have a strong relationship because it shows that when the results came in and Mr. Terupt was going to loose his job they were prepared to do anything it takes to get it back. This book is about a group of friends that suffer through multiple challenges along the book. For example, a big fight they had with each other, trying to save their favorite teacher and much more. Although, they might suffer through a lot of challenges, they also have a lot of fun moments too. Like, the "Everything Fair", planing their campaigns in Mr. Terupt's classroom and much more.
If you liked Because of Mr. Terupt or Mr. Terupt Falls Again, then you would like this one too. I would recommend reading the books in order so, you would have a better understanding of the plots and relationships between the characters. Someone that would like this book are mostly students and kids ages between 10-14 years old because I think that they would relate more.