fr1zzy's Activity (71)
fluffybunnyliked a comment in Winning At All Costs . . . . . . A Good Strategy?.
I really think Armstrong shouldn't have been stripped from those titles, although what he did was wrong. I mean, even for ppl who take drugs like that can't win most of the time!! It takes determination and interest to win something like that, not drugs. So I still look up to Lance Armstrong. Sorry for ppl who don't agree! :)
About 12 years agocaitlinmott added a book review.
This book is about Katniss and her life after the Hunger Games. She and Peeta are the Victors of the 74th Games. Her life and everyone she loves lives at stake if she can't pull of the girl in love.
About 12 years agocaitlinmott is reading this book.
About 12 years agocaitlinmott is reading this book.
About 12 years agocaitlinmott has read this book.
About 12 years agocaitlinmott has read this book.
About 12 years agofluffybunny added a book review.
you can only read this book if you have read the percy jackson and the olypions books to under stand this book. but if you have it is a really good add on for the percy jackson and the plypions books
About 12 years agofluffybunny added a new comment in
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Over 12 years agofluffybunnyis now following teacher_818.
Over 12 years ago