meganp032's Activity (10)
meganp032 added a movie review.
Almost 12 years agomeganp032 has watched this movie.
Almost 12 years agomeganp032 added a movie review.
Almost 12 years agomeganp032 has watched this movie.
Almost 12 years agomeganp032 wants to read this book.
Almost 12 years agomeganp032 added a news bookmark.
While all of us cannot be as enterprising as Felix Finkbeiner, the 13-year-old German school boy that has spearheaded a global eco campaign, we can still help reverse global war...Almost 12 years agomeganp032 added a news bookmark.
Thanks to the discovery numerous Portuguese chronicles, historians have always believed that it was Vasco Da Gama, the Portuguese explorer that sailed around Africa to India and...Almost 12 years agomeganp032 added a news bookmark.
Hawaii's Big Island is home to some of the world's most active volcanoes. However, none are as dynamic or spectacular as the Kilauea, which has been erupting almost nonstop sinc...Almost 12 years ago
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