zack2002's Activity (70)

  • mskuchta
    mskuchtais now following camash.
    About 9 years ago
  • aspectt
    aspectt added a book review.
    Have you ever been home for a week alone? Well in this book by D. Manus Pinkwater, Victor's parents went away so his sister Leslie had to take care of him. What would you do? This is one of. Y favorite books because later on in the book lizards come and see him. There's a chicken man that has a chicken and it dos tricks. When lesilie came home a week later she was all sun burnt. She has parking tickets. Also more
    Over 9 years ago
  • bella1111
    bella1111's book review was featured in Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library.
    Your going to want to hear this review and then read this book. The book I read was called "Mr.lemoncello's LIBRARY" it is by Chris Grabentein, and it is great. The settings of this book are the library and sometimes the school. The library is the most common place. So this kid named Kyle Keeley loved Mr.lemoncello's games and books so he decided he wanted to enter a contest to win a trip to his library. What you have to do to win is write an essay so that's what Kyle did. When the winners were announced Kyle ended up being one of them. What he doesn't know is that he will have to try to escape and deal with other kids in the library that try to cheat and go the easy way, that is the turning point in this book. The antagonist of this story in my opinion is all the other kids because most of them want to do Different things. The protagonist is Kyle. There are a few parts when Kyle figures out something important like ways to get out of the library and parts of the library like the windows that don't open and those were important things to figure out because he was trying solve the conflict. I liked this book because it had lots of details and it wasn't boring. I recommend and this book to anyone who likes adventurous books. I recommend this to 6 grade and up because it has some difficult words that some kids wouldn't be able to sound out. I hope you try this book out.
    Over 9 years ago
  • bella1111
    bella1111 added a book review.
    Your going to want to hear this review and then read this book. The book I read was called "Mr.lemoncello's LIBRARY" it is by Chris Grabentein, and it is great. The settings of this book are the library and sometimes the school. The library is the most common place. So this kid named Kyle Keeley loved Mr.lemoncello's games and books so he decided he wanted to enter a contest to win a trip to his library. What you have to do to win is write an essay so that's what Kyle did. When the winners were announced Kyle ended up being one of them. What he doesn't know is that he will have to try to escape and deal with other kids in the library that try to cheat and go the easy way, that is the turning point in this book. The antagonist of this story in my opinion is all the other kids because most of them want to do Different things. The protagonist is Kyle. There are a few parts when Kyle figures out something important like ways to get out of the library and parts of the library like the windows that don't open and those were important things to figure out because he was trying solve the conflict. I liked this book because it had lots of details and it wasn't boring. I recommend and this book to anyone who likes adventurous books. I recommend this to 6 grade and up because it has some difficult words that some kids wouldn't be able to sound out. I hope you try this book out.
    Over 9 years ago
  • gvelocity6
    gvelocity6 added a book review.
    Have you ever had a friend that stuck with you through thick and thin? In the Summer Before Boys, by Nora Raleigh Baskins, twelve year old girl Julia is spending the summer of 2004 with her uncle, aunt, and Eliza in their New Jersey home. She is staying with them while her dad is working and her mom is stationed in Iraq. She meets this boy and it disrupts her whole summer with Eliza. Will this boy be her first kiss? Eliza is the antagonist because sometimes she and Julia get in fight. The two major conflicts of this book are that they get in a big argument and Eliza goes missing. The turning point in this book is when Eliza is found and everything starts to get solved after that. I really like this book because it is about a modern life and this could really happen. This book really pulls you into it so you don't stop reading it. I would recommend this to 10 years and up
    Over 9 years ago
  • gvelocity6
    gvelocity6 has read this book.
    By Nora Raleigh Baskin
    Over 9 years ago
  • mike1800
    mike1800 added a book review.
    My book is took place in Alaska and it is about a kid who is 15 years old. The begging is about him hunting and he runs into a poler Bear/ grizzly and it rips his baged full of meat off. Also the book is called never say die witch is made by will Hobbs he also wrote down the river. The books setting takes place in mountians and lakes. The protagonist is the main character and the antaginist is his brother. One magor conflict is the 15 year old thinks he needs his gun and the brother is a no shoot kind of person. Another is whether the main should stay or go. The turning point of the book is when they land and need to make camp to go down river and the main wants to make up for the other incident. I liked this book because it was adventurey and dident have the most complex plot ever. Also he does not like the trip at first but gets to liking the expirents.
    Over 9 years ago
  • troyrocs84
    troyrocs84 added a book review.
    "Fortunately, the milk" by Neil Gaiman is about a father who has to get milk for his son and daughter. But the kids get worried, and a little curious when their dad comes home late that night. The protagonist is the father and there are multiple antagonists.This book is full of zany, unbelievable predicaments full of aliens and pariahnas and pirates and wumpires. I thought this book was good but a little lower for my reading level. I recommend this book to kids between the age of 7 to 10.
    Over 9 years ago
  • zack2002
    zack2002 added a book review.
    It was a really good book. I've read this book over, and over. I never get tired of this book. I'd recommend this book because it show a different variety of caps for sale.
    Over 9 years ago
  • zack2002
    zack2002 has read this book.
    Over 9 years ago

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